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Bullish Statements during Earnings call

And it is nice to see that also by industry peer comparison, we are performing very well
So truly, a very strong pipeline
But, all-in-all, I am very confident that, we are making the desired progress that we do it year-over-year, and that we are not just focusing on the long-term perspective, but have targets for each and every year that hold us accountable to make steady progress, essentially also in the near-term time horizon
And if we do this right, and if we do this consistent, then in itself, we are driving a positive impact on society, and that needs to be the focus of all of our operations
Next slide please? So, in summary, we are well prepared and well positioned to manage our reporting requirements in the evolving landscape that we face
We believe that is one of the highest in our sector
I am really very pleased to share with you our malaria portfolio
We continue to be proud of our current position and our accomplishments today
And then lastly, and Paul alluded to that we are well positioned to meet the existing or emerging ESG reporting requirements
So, if I can have the next slide? Just want to reiterate that Novartis is extremely proud of its long-term commitment to Global Health R&D
And I hope that there will be sufficient support for those partners in their environment that we continue on that partnership journey, which I find really being very well positioned in order to make an impact at scale
We remain confident in our ESG reporting structures that will enable us to continue to deliver high quality and compliant ESG data
Reaching more patients with innovative medicines, creating sustainable social and economic impact, and building trust with society
Thierry has been leading now the Global Health Research unit previously called Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases for over 10 years and has truly built up a very robust growth in terms of breadth and depth pipeline
But it’s been a very -- I mean, I was very, very -- I would say, impressed by the scale with which we were being able to make this shift
I believe the example in Ethiopia showed that long-term commitments and partnerships can drive tremendous benefit
And then -- and here I have to give credit specifically to Steffen Lang, our President of Operations that we are making very good progress against the targets that we have set for carbon, for waste and for water
We believe we are well positioned and prepared to meet the requirements of these regulatory standards and we’re well prepared to manage our ESG processes, our reporting structures according to the new regulations
We are making very good progress on the patient reach target, both with strategic innovative therapies but also with the Global Health’s flagship programs, and are confident that if we project out for the full year, we’ll be reaching those targets that we’ve set for this year
Can we move to the next slide, please? So in summary, I hope we’ve impressed upon you that we have quite an extensive innovative global health pipeline, addressing unmet needs in underserved patient populations
And we believe by doing our core business very well, doing it consistently and reliably that we are fulfilling unmet needs on the medical front, and that we are able to broaden the benefit of our medicines to as many patients as possible
And just through that mindset shift towards this creating impact in Sub-Saharan Africa, we are doing good for society but we are also essentially helping grow the business, which historically has, and this year is expected to outgrow the margin and the GDP growth
I’m also pleased with the progress that we continue to make on our Global Health pipeline
On human capital, we are also making good progress, and I am very happy to remind everyone that we have renewed our EPIC pledge in September this year, expanding it based on the development that has taken place in this space
This will position us well to meet the current and the future ESG reporting requirements, as they evolve and come
And through this program, so far, we have been able to reach 2,000 patients who have benefited significantly from this program
I was in Ethiopia just a few weeks ago and hadn’t had the opportunity to visit this country for five years and was really impressed with the work that happens at the Black Lion Hospital, which is the largest hospital in Addis Ababa, serving the majority of Ethiopia as a tertiary care facility on chronic myeloid leukemia
We’ve had a very strong phenotypic efforts where we discovered actually the precursor to a front runner the NS4B inhibitor, EYU688, which is expected to be in Phase 2 clinical trials very shortly now and really have been able to advance the case of dengue research across the board with partners such as the Wellcome Trust and today, the National Institute of Health in the U.S., which is partnering on some of the follow-up efforts in the dengue space
And that worked extremely well
This is something that we take great pride in from a leadership team, and I can speak for all of the employees at our company

Bearish Statements during earnings call

So, it’s a bit of the opportunity that potentially comes through new technologies, but then it also derail us at global or regional scale that are very difficult to predict
There’s been a gap in the national malaria control programs, which have introduced now a really growing problem
But it shows that even in high-income countries, we see the number of clinical trials as a driver of innovation to decline, as countries become less and less economically successful
And then, as we were planning, we saw that first line treatment, Hydroxyurea is totally out of reach for many patients, but even worse than that that most patients who have the disease aren’t even identified through newborn screening
comes with price pressures that have a very significant magnitude
But we also understand that we cannot rest, and there are signs that drug resistance to artemisinin, as I mentioned, is becoming a very serious threat
It is a known fact that there is a lack of racial diversity in our clinical trials, and ethnic minorities are underrepresented in our clinical trials
The second categories are basically drugs that do not -- are poorly effective
So, we start by looking at obviously the WHO global health priorities, and they broadly fall in three categories: emerging drug resistance issue, and that’s a very big problem from malaria right now where we’re seeing mutations that confer drug resistance to the first-line therapies, artemisinin combination therapies, which basically are threatening the efficacy of these very important drugs
I mean, the world has become very unpredictable
Of course, we always regret if we lose a great partner
And we will see a comeback in the resurgence of diseases that have disappeared from primarily other geographical regions where the disease were actually not present for a long time
We have accomplished this for the last few years, and it really shows that early on, we are serious about access and access cannot be an afterthought after we have launched medicine successfully in high-income countries
I think it’s fair to say that our industry is not a stranger to price pressures
We need to manage crises
So, we really are considering global health challenges to be met just as any other disease areas with the full spectrum of our capabilities at Novartis
So, if I can have the next slide? As mentioned several times during the introduction, the unmet needs for neglected tropical disease and global health challenges is massive
What would you identify as the main variables that could pose a threat to achieving your long-term targets? And I guess, I would post this question to both you and Klaus
And you can see by volume and with that by impact at the patient level, the emerging market brands exceeds those of the originator brands
In addition, with this climate change will also affect disease burden worldwide

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