Institutional Ownership Stats

Institutional Ownership is one very important way to analyze how a stock will perform in the future. Here's a good article weighing the pros and cons of institutional ownership.

The table below is a summary of the mean, median and true PPS (Price Per Share) the institutions have paid in the current and last quarter. Most institutes hedge their bets both ways to protect the investment. The do so by buying puts and calls for a stock as well, apart from stock ownership.

Quarter Institute Count Mean PPS Median PPS True Value PPS
Current Quarter 183 19.00 19.12 18.79
Previous Quarter 193 19.00 19.13 19.28

Institutional Ownership Counts

The table below is summary data with links to individual listing tables below to indicate if new institutes bought in, sold out, averaged down, averaged up etc. This is a critical piece of data to analyze what the money flow is in quarter and past week.

Time New Institutions Out Averaged Down Averaged Up Added Shares Reduced Shares
Current Quarter 6 34 13 0 6 3
Time New Puts New Calls New Short Deleted Puts Deleted Calls Deleted Short
Current Quarter 0 0 1 0 0 0
Time Increased Puts Increased Calls Increased Short Reduced Puts Reduced Calls Reduced Short
Current Quarter 0 0 0 0 0 0
Time New Institutions Out Averaged Down Averaged Up Added Shares Reduced Shares
Past Week 1 1 1 0 1 0
Time New Puts New Calls New Short Deleted Puts Deleted Calls Deleted Short
Past Week 0 0 0 0 0 0
Time Increased Puts Increased Calls Increased Short Reduced Puts Reduced Calls Reduced Short
Past Week 0 0 0 0 0 0

BlackRock and Vanguard Ownership Stats

BlackRock and Vanguard are the two largest institutional investors in the world. The table below is an indicator of how much of the company stock they own.

BlackRock Vanguard
Quarter Shares % Ownership PPS Shares % Ownership PPS
Current Quarter 838,181 4.34 19.14 1,550,837 8.03 19.14
Previous Quarter 838,181 4.34 19.14 1,550,837 8.03 19.14

Current Quarter Top 20 Holding Institutes

This is a snapshot of the top 20 institutes by share count holding stock in the company for the current quarter

Name Shares PPS
Citigroup Inc 901,463 19.12
FKASX - Federated Kaufmann Small Cap Fund Class A Shares 900,000 16.01
Federated Hermes, Inc. 900,000 19.12
BlackRock Inc. 809,292 19.12
Vanguard Group Inc 776,261 19.12
Wasatch Advisors Inc 566,335 19.12
Philadelphia Financial Management of San Francisco, LLC 531,141 19.12
VTSMX - Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Investor Shares 525,134 19.12
HighTower Advisors, LLC 390,451 19.12
Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers LLC 344,917 19.12
IWM - iShares Russell 2000 ETF 293,454 19.12
WAMVX - Wasatch Micro Cap Value Fund Investor Class shares 286,567 19.12
Mirae Asset Global Investments Co., Ltd. 211,777 19.12
AdvisorShares Investments LLC 203,061 19.12
MSOS - AdvisorShares Pure US Cannabis ETF 203,061 19.12
State Street Corp 201,921 19.66
POTX - Global X Cannabis ETF 188,675 19.75
Millennium Management Llc 187,893 19.12
Bullseye Asset Management LLC 184,908 19.12

Previous Quarter Top 20 Holding Institutes

The table below is top 20 listing of institutes holding stock of the company in the previous quarter.

Name Shares PPS
Citigroup Inc 901,463 19.12
Federated Hermes, Inc. 900,000 19.12
FKASX - Federated Kaufmann Small Cap Fund Class A Shares 900,000 19.69
BlackRock Inc. 809,292 19.12
Vanguard Group Inc 776,261 19.12
Wasatch Advisors Inc 566,335 19.12
Philadelphia Financial Management of San Francisco, LLC 531,141 19.12
VTSMX - Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Investor Shares 525,134 19.12
HighTower Advisors, LLC 390,451 19.12
HRSMX - Hood River Small-Cap Growth Fund Institutional Shares 372,422 21.58
Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers LLC 344,917 19.12
IWM - iShares Russell 2000 ETF 293,454 19.12
WAMVX - Wasatch Micro Cap Value Fund Investor Class shares 286,567 19.12
Mirae Asset Global Investments Co., Ltd. 211,777 19.12
AdvisorShares Investments LLC 203,061 19.12
MSOS - AdvisorShares Pure US Cannabis ETF 203,061 19.12
State Street Corp 201,921 19.66
POTX - Global X Cannabis ETF 188,675 19.75
Millennium Management Llc 187,893 19.12
Bullseye Asset Management LLC 184,908 19.12


Recent Quarter Analysis

Name Shares PPS
TIEIX - TIAA-CREF Equity Index Fund Institutional Class 8,517 15.97
RYLD - Global X Russell 2000 Covered Call ETF 4,103 16.09
Newbridge Financial Services Group, Inc. 2,000 15.50
Exchange Traded Concepts, Llc 1,771 15.25
BlackRock Variable Series Funds, Inc. - BlackRock Small Cap Index V.I. Fund Class I 1,467 19.09
Name Shares PPS
HRSMX - Hood River Small-Cap Growth Fund Institutional Shares 372,422 21.58
Seaport Global Asset Management Llc 63,646 21.57
BlackRock Variable Series Funds, Inc. - BlackRock Small Cap Index V.I. Fund Class I 1,467 19.09
Gemmer Asset Management LLC 550 18.18
HSSAX - Emerald Banking and Finance Fund Class A
Hudson Bay Capital Management LP
Engineers Gate Manager LP
Emerald Mutual Fund Advisers Trust
Senvest Management, LLC
Anson Funds Management LP
Jefferies Group LLC
Ubs Oconnor Llc
Intrepid Capital Management Inc
Parallel Advisors, LLC
FJ Capital Management LLC
Monashee Investment Management LLC
Panagora Asset Management Inc
Castleview Partners, Llc
Truvestments Capital Llc
State of Wyoming
SG Americas Securities, LLC
FNY Investment Advisers, LLC
Point72 Hong Kong Ltd
Parametric Portfolio Associates Llc
Meridian Wealth Partners, LLC
Ellevest, Inc.
Tudor Investment Corp Et Al
Jacobs Asset Management, Llc
Captrust Financial Advisors
Cohanzick Management, Llc
Caas Capital Management Lp
Qube Research & Technologies Ltd
Balyasny Asset Management Llc
Vectors Research Management, LLC
Name Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS
FKASX - Federated Kaufmann Small Cap Fund Class A Shares 900,000 16.01 900,000 19.69
CNBS - Amplify Seymour Cannabis ETF 168,196 16.01 175,485 19.69
Merlin Capital LLC 161,450 15.33 154,581 19.12
SWSSX - Schwab Small-Cap Index Fund 33,292 16.01 26,828 19.68
PJARX - SmallCap Value Fund II R-3 29,510 15.99 1,075 19.53
TISBX - TIAA-CREF Small-Cap Blend Index Fund Institutional Class 18,852 16.02 18,852 19.68
WEIZX - Weiss Alternative Balanced Risk Fund Investor Class 7,266 15.96 17,850 19.66
SWTSX - Schwab Total Stock Market Index Fund 5,156 16.10 5,156 19.78
SUNAMERICA SERIES TRUST - SA Small Cap Index Portfolio Class 1 1,648 15.78 1,246 20.06
BLACKROCK FUNDS - iShares Russell Small/Mid-Cap Index Fund Investor A 1,189 15.98 1,189 19.34
GMRAX - Nationwide Small Cap Index Fund Class A 1,186 16.02 1,186 19.39
ISCB - iShares Morningstar Small-Cap ETF 902 15.52 782 19.18
UAPIX - Ultrasmall-cap Profund Investor Class 309 16.18 282 21.28
Name Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS
Name Shares Added Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS Percent Increase
PJARX - SmallCap Value Fund II R-3 28,435 29,510 15.99 1,075 19.53 2645.12
Merlin Capital LLC 6,869 161,450 15.33 154,581 19.12 4.44
SWSSX - Schwab Small-Cap Index Fund 6,464 33,292 16.01 26,828 19.68 24.09
SUNAMERICA SERIES TRUST - SA Small Cap Index Portfolio Class 1 402 1,648 15.78 1,246 20.06 32.26
ISCB - iShares Morningstar Small-Cap ETF 120 902 15.52 782 19.18 15.35
UAPIX - Ultrasmall-cap Profund Investor Class 27 309 16.18 282 21.28 9.57
Name Reduced Shares Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS Percent Decrease
WEIZX - Weiss Alternative Balanced Risk Fund Investor Class 10,584 7,266 15.96 17,850 19.66 -59.29
CNBS - Amplify Seymour Cannabis ETF 7,289 168,196 16.01 175,485 19.69 -4.15
SLPIX - Small-cap Profund Investor Class 7 11 18 -38.89
Name Current Puts
Name Current Calls
REBYX - U.S. Small Cap Equity Fund Class Y
Name Previous Puts
Name Previous Calls


Name Increased Puts Current Puts Previous Puts Percentage Increase
Name Increased Calls Current Calls Previous Calls Percentage Increase
Name Reduced Puts Current Puts Previous Puts Percent Decrease
Name Reduced Calls Current Calls Previous Calls Percentage Decrease

Past Week Analysis

Name Shares PPS
Exchange Traded Concepts, Llc 1,771 15.25
Name Shares PPS
Gemmer Asset Management LLC 550 18.18
Name Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS
Merlin Capital LLC 161,450 15.33 154,581 19.12
Name Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS
Name Shares Added Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS Percent Increase
Merlin Capital LLC 6,869 161,450 15.33 154,581 19.12 4.44
Name Reduced Shares Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS Percent Decrease
Name Current Puts
Name Current Calls
Name Previous Puts
Name Previous Calls
Name Increased Puts Current Puts Previous Puts Percentage Increase
Name Increased Calls Current Calls Previous Calls Percentage Increase
Name Reduced Puts Current Puts Previous Puts Percent Decrease
Name Reduced Calls Current Calls Previous Calls Percent Decrease