Earnings Sentiment

Sentiment Analysis of the earnings transcript to help figure out if there are any bullish or bearish sentiments that could be gathered from it. We're doing ML and AI based analysis on the earnings call to get some more insights.

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Earnings Call Transcript Word Cloud


Bullish Statements during Earnings call

So I think we’re in pretty good shape, actually, Marla
The clinical team in Aethlon continues to make strides toward initiating oncology studies in India and Australia
As a result of the changes in expenses that I just noted, the company’s net loss increased to $3.6 million for the 3 months ended December 31, 2023, from $2.8 million in the 3 months ended December 31, 2022
We are poised – I have been really pushing hard on this, Anthony, since I was named interim CEO
James Frakes Well, I did push to make the oncology effort as the highest priority, but there was momentum with the organ transplant work
Thanks for your update
James Frakes Thanks, Steve, and good afternoon again, everyone
It’s pretty interesting stuff
Marla Marin Thank you
Both our payroll expense and our overall operating expenses would have actually decreased from the 2022 period
Thank you very much
Michael Miller Thank you, operator and good afternoon everyone
We have generated additional data
You may now disconnect your lines and have a wonderful day.

Bearish Statements during earnings call

While our R&D team has started to quantify our internal data, the results to date are inconclusive
So it would need to be a massive outbreak with a lot of people in the ICUs to cause a problem
But again, the issue has been with the evolving COVID epidemic, there have been patients who are affected who aren’t critically ill
They couldn’t even count the extracellular PD-L1 on the extracellular vesicles two months ago, and now they can count the total aggregates, but they have – it’s just inconclusive

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