Institutional Ownership Stats

Institutional Ownership is one very important way to analyze how a stock will perform in the future. Here's a good article weighing the pros and cons of institutional ownership.

The table below is a summary of the mean, median and true PPS (Price Per Share) the institutions have paid in the current and last quarter. Most institutes hedge their bets both ways to protect the investment. The do so by buying puts and calls for a stock as well, apart from stock ownership.

Quarter Institute Count Mean PPS Median PPS True Value PPS
Current Quarter 2,002 106.00 10.88 11.26
Previous Quarter 2,105 131.00 10.88 11.62

Institutional Ownership Counts

The table below is summary data with links to individual listing tables below to indicate if new institutes bought in, sold out, averaged down, averaged up etc. This is a critical piece of data to analyze what the money flow is in quarter and past week.

Time New Institutions Out Averaged Down Averaged Up Added Shares Reduced Shares
Current Quarter 43 425 293 44 142 146
Time New Puts New Calls New Short Deleted Puts Deleted Calls Deleted Short
Current Quarter 0 0 0 1 4 0
Time Increased Puts Increased Calls Increased Short Reduced Puts Reduced Calls Reduced Short
Current Quarter 0 0 0 0 0 0
Time New Institutions Out Averaged Down Averaged Up Added Shares Reduced Shares
Past Week 14 7 60 31 40 43
Time New Puts New Calls New Short Deleted Puts Deleted Calls Deleted Short
Past Week 0 0 0 0 0 0
Time Increased Puts Increased Calls Increased Short Reduced Puts Reduced Calls Reduced Short
Past Week 0 0 0 0 1 0

BlackRock and Vanguard Ownership Stats

BlackRock and Vanguard are the two largest institutional investors in the world. The table below is an indicator of how much of the company stock they own.

BlackRock Vanguard
Quarter Shares % Ownership PPS Shares % Ownership PPS
Current Quarter 175,459,034 14.50 5.51 326,727,212 27.00 10.78
Previous Quarter 89,026,243 7.36 10.91 321,952,597 26.61 11.59

Current Quarter Top 20 Holding Institutes

This is a snapshot of the top 20 institutes by share count holding stock in the company for the current quarter

Name Shares PPS
Vanguard Group Inc 138,356,610 10.88
BlackRock Inc. 88,270,288 10.88
BlackRock Inc. 86,554,658
Davis Selected Advisers 56,666,290 10.88
State Street Corp 56,601,491 10.88
Wellington Management Group Llp 55,233,099 10.88
VGHCX - Vanguard Health Care Fund Investor Shares 55,233,099 10.33
VTSMX - Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Investor Shares 35,048,721 10.88
Laurion Capital Management LP 29,392,002 10.88
VIMSX - Vanguard Mid-Cap Index Fund Investor Shares 27,459,871 10.88
VFINX - Vanguard 500 Index Fund Investor Shares 26,462,123 10.88
Macquarie Group Ltd 25,180,647 10.88
Geode Capital Management, Llc 24,466,846 10.86
Camber Capital Management LP 23,000,000 10.88
Deerfield Management Company, L.p. (series C) 20,673,700 10.88
NYVTX - Davis New York Venture Fund Class A 19,664,700 10.33
DDVAX - Delaware Value Fund Class A 18,274,503 11.01
Schroder Investment Management Group 16,308,670 10.99
Invesco Ltd. 14,926,674 10.88

Previous Quarter Top 20 Holding Institutes

The table below is top 20 listing of institutes holding stock of the company in the previous quarter.

Name Shares PPS
Vanguard Group Inc 138,356,610 10.88
BlackRock Inc. 88,270,288 10.88
Davis Selected Advisers 56,666,290 10.88
State Street Corp 56,601,491 10.88
VGHCX - Vanguard Health Care Fund Investor Shares 55,233,099 14.97
Wellington Management Group Llp 55,233,099 10.88
VTSMX - Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Investor Shares 35,048,721 10.88
Laurion Capital Management LP 29,392,002 10.88
VIMSX - Vanguard Mid-Cap Index Fund Investor Shares 27,459,871 10.88
VFINX - Vanguard 500 Index Fund Investor Shares 26,462,123 10.88
Macquarie Group Ltd 25,180,647 10.88
Geode Capital Management, Llc 24,466,846 10.86
Camber Capital Management LP 23,000,000 10.88
Deerfield Management Company, L.p. (series C) 20,673,700 10.88
DDVAX - Delaware Value Fund Class A 18,274,503 11.01
Schroder Investment Management Group 16,308,670 10.99
NYVTX - Davis New York Venture Fund Class A 15,914,700 14.97
Invesco Ltd. 14,926,674 10.88
Spdr S&p 500 Etf Trust 13,117,215 10.88
Northern Trust Corp 12,418,717 10.88


Recent Quarter Analysis

Name Shares PPS
COWZ - Pacer US Cash Cows 100 ETF 5,877,825 10.33
VYM - Vanguard High Dividend Yield Index Fund ETF Shares 4,749,222 10.33
AustralianSuper Pty Ltd 2,349,240 10.47
SVAAX - Federated Strategic Value Dividend Fund Class A Shares 2,144,450 10.33
AGAQX - 361 Global Long/Short Equity Fund Investor Class 850,712 10.33
AQEAX - Columbia Disciplined Core Fund Class A 646,100 10.33
DFFVX - U.S. Targeted Value Portfolio - Institutional Class 556,570 10.33
Greylin Investment Mangement Inc 521,393 10.47
HealthInvest Partners AB 310,000 10.47
NMIAX - Columbia Large Cap Enhanced Core Fund Class A 242,249 12.27
CDAZX - Multi-Manager Directional Alternative Strategies Fund Institutional Class 102,296 10.33
SS&H Financial Advisors, Inc. 85,909 10.46
Walker Asset Management, LLC 84,945 10.96
DGEFX - Destinations Equity Income Fund Class I 68,800 12.27
BLACKROCK LARGE CAP SERIES FUNDS, INC. - BlackRock Advantage Large Cap Value Fund Investor A 63,552 12.27
Howland Capital Management Llc 48,538 10.47
Dfa Investment Dimensions Group Inc - Va U.s. Targeted Value Portfolio 39,981 10.33
DFA INVESTMENT DIMENSIONS GROUP INC - U.S. Sustainability Targeted Value Portfolio Institutional Class 38,842 10.32
LMUSX - QS U.S. Large Cap Equity Fund Class FI 30,000 12.27
Name Shares PPS
Marshall Wace, Llp 8,090,176 10.88
Wells Fargo & Company/mn 4,566,061 10.88
Monaco Asset Management SAM 1,914,774 10.88
D. E. Shaw & Co., Inc. 568,358 10.88
JNL SERIES TRUST - JNL/Mellon Equity Income Fund (A) 284,444 13.55
Greylin Investment Mangement Inc 280,607 10.88
NATIONWIDE VARIABLE INSURANCE TRUST - American Century NVIT Multi Cap Value Fund Class I 252,636 13.55
Pineno Levin & Ford Asset Management, Inc. 179,750 13.53
Brinker Capital Investments, LLC 142,256 10.88
GCVIX - Goldman Sachs Large Cap Value Insights Fund Institutional 138,894 13.35
Walleye Trading LLC 122,800 10.88
SG Americas Securities, LLC 117,034 10.88
Marshall Wace North America L.P. 93,079 13.55
Wbi Investments, Inc. 82,196 10.88
Polianta Ltd 81,400 10.87
BMCIX - Blackrock High Equity Income Fund Institutional 71,105 12.31
Jefferies Group LLC 70,000 10.89
Guggenheim Enhanced Equity Income Fund (f/k/a Old Mutual/claymore Long-short Fund) 61,277 13.55
Exane Derivatives 51,742 10.88
SZNE - Pacer CFRA-Stovall Equal Weight Seasonal Rotation ETF 49,831 13.35
HAP Trading, LLC 47,800 3.31
SEEKX - Steward Large Cap Enhanced Index Fund Class A 42,250 13.35
SG3 Management, LLC 40,000 10.88
Pathway Financial Advisors LLC 38,657 10.89
GSELX - Goldman Sachs U.S. Equity Insights Fund Institutional 34,479 13.34
B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. Holding AG 33,996 13.53
Cutler Group LP 22,100 0.14
Bluefin Capital Management, Llc 21,300 0.05
World Asset Management Inc 19,816 13.57
IBM Retirement Fund 19,149 10.86
HighPoint Advisor Group LLC 16,916 13.54
XR Securities LLC 15,900 0.31
Mcdonald Partners Llc 13,072 10.86
Tudor Investment Corp Et Al 11,700 10.85
Tudor Investment Corp Et Al 11,700 10.85
Mid Atlantic Financial Management Inc/adv 11,135 13.56
Carroll Financial Associates, Inc. 10,113 13.65
Ferguson Wellman Capital Management, Inc 10,020 10.88
Future Financial Wealth Managment LLC 9,270 10.90
R.H. Dinel Investment Counsel, Inc. 8,687 10.94
FVCIX - Fidelity Flex Large Cap Value II Fund 8,678 13.37
Advanced Series Trust - Ast Qma U.s. Equity Alpha Portfolio 8,474 13.57
PLRG - Principal U.S. Large-Cap Adaptive Multi-Factor ETF 7,035 13.50
Crescent Capital Consulting, LLC 6,169 13.62
Berman Capital Advisors, LLC 5,814 13.42
Reilly Financial Advisors, Llc 5,020 13.55
Security National Trust Co 3,868 14.48
Tarbox Family Office, Inc. 3,526 10.78
NVQ - QRAFT AI-Enhanced U.S. Next Value ETF 3,486 13.48
Bbva Usa 3,465 13.56
Herold Advisors, Inc. 3,314 10879.90
IFP Advisors, Inc 3,055 25.86
JOBIX - JOHCM Global Income Builder Institutional Shares 2,797 13.59
Gemmer Asset Management LLC 2,017 10.41
Koshinski Asset Management, Inc. 2,009 10.95
HULIX - Huber Capital Equity Income Fund Investor Class 1,182 13.54
Wealth Quarterback LLC 1,109
Legacy Bridge, LLC 710 11.27
Heritage Wealth Management, Llc 607 13.18
HUDIX - Huber Capital Diversified Large Cap Value Fund Investor Class 533 13.13
Investmark Advisory Group LLC 511 11.74
Old Second National Bank Of Aurora 434 11.52
Byrne Asset Management LLC 300 10.00
Psagot Investment House Ltd. 258 11.63
Prentice Wealth Management LLC 202 14.85
McCarthy Asset Management, Inc. 150 13.33
Bromfield Sneider Wealth Advisors 130 7.69
RWM Asset Management, LLC 119 8.40
Sonora Investment Management, LLC 83 12.05
Parkside Investments, LLC 63
City Holding Co 62 16.13
Global Trust Asset Management, LLC 57 17.54
Paladin Advisory Group, LLC 46
Advocacy Wealth Management Services, LLC 4
Filbrandt Wealth Management, LLC 3
Caption Management, LLC
GATEX - Gateway Fund Class A Shares
King Wealth
Shay Capital LLC
Paradigm, Strategies in Wealth Management, LLC
Neville Rodie & Shaw Inc
6 Meridian
tru Independence LLC
Tower Bridge Advisors
Summit Wealth Group, LLC
Activest Wealth Management
BWLAX - American Beacon Bridgeway Large Cap Value Fund A Class
GATAX - The Gabelli Asset Fund Class A
Mechanics Bank Trust Department
Phoenix Holdings Ltd.
Jackson, Grant Investment Advisers, Inc.
Jaffetilchin Investment Partners, LLC
Anfield Capital Management, LLC
Kcm Investment Advisors Llc
Nexus Investment Management ULC
Beck Bode, LLC
MEVIX - Lazard Managed Equity Volatility Portfolio Institutional Shares
Dubuque Bank & Trust Co
LVW Advisors, LLC
AGF Investments LLC
BRLIX - Blue Chip Fund Class N
Private Asset Management Inc
Personal Wealth Partners
LAZARD RETIREMENT SERIES INC - Lazard Retirement Global Dynamic Multi-Asset Portfolio Investor Shares
Hoese & Co LLP
MBM Wealth Consultants, LLC
Peconic Partners Llc
Hotaling Investment Management, LLC
Fishman Jay A Ltd/mi
CRA Financial Services, LLC
ACVF - American Conservative Values ETF
Bridgeway Capital Management Inc
Hunter Associates Investment Management Llc
Wellington Shields Capital Management, LLC
Perennial Advisors, LLC
Bp Plc
Flagship Private Wealth, LLC
Godshalk Welsh Capital Management, Inc.
Haverford Trust Co
Markston International Llc
Homrich & Berg
New Capital Management LP
Strategic Blueprint, LLC
Klaas Financial Asset Advisors, LLC
First Midwest Bank Trust Division
Eubel Brady & Suttman Asset Management Inc
Red Door Wealth Management, LLC
Cypress Capital Management LLC (WY)
Sequoia Financial Advisors, LLC
Isthmus Partners, Llc
Holderness Investments Co
Nuveen S&p 500 Buywrite Income Fund
Advisor Resource Council
Marco Investment Management Llc
Knott David M
Emerald Investment Partners, Llc
Stevens Capital Management Lp
Weiss Asset Management LP
Monument Capital Management
GDMIX - Lazard Global Dynamic Multi-Asset Portfolio Institutional Shares
FUNL - CornerCap Fundametrics Large-Cap ETF
Moser Wealth Advisors, LLC
FLVEX - Fidelity Large Cap Value Enhanced Index Fund
First PREMIER Bank
GBCIX - The Gabelli Dividend Growth Fund Class I
Gs Investments, Inc.
CBIZ Investment Advisory Services, LLC
Campbell Capital Management Inc
Pinnacle Associates Ltd
RPg Family Wealth Advisory, LLC
First National Bank Of Omaha
CX Institutional
Liontrust Investment Partners LLP
Inscription Capital, LLC
Choate Investment Advisors
Vantage Financial Partners Ltd., Inc.
Symmetry Partners, LLC
Ballentine Partners, LLC
Northern Oak Wealth Management Inc
Jennison Associates Llc
First Personal Financial Services
Washington Capital Management Inc
GCHDX - Gotham Hedged Core Fund Institutional Class
Twinbeech Capital Lp
Dark Forest Capital Management Lp
Wealth Alliance
Stonebridge Financial Planning Group, LLC
Perkins Coie Trust Co
Resolute Advisors LLC
Widmann Financial Services, Inc.
Leelyn Smith, LLC
Essex Investment Management Co Llc
Krs Capital Management, Llc
Salvus Wealth Management, LLC
Davidson Kempner Capital Management Lp
Farr Miller & Washington Llc/dc
Weaver Consulting Group
Mystic Asset Management, Inc.
SeaBridge Investment Advisors LLC
LNFIX - QS Global Market Neutral Fund Class A
O'shaughnessy Asset Management, Llc
American National Bank
Alan B. Lancz & Associates, Inc.
D'Orazio & Associates, Inc.
Stokes Family Office, LLC
Arkadios Wealth Advisors
Mutual Advisors, LLC
Condor Capital Management
Chilton Capital Management Llc
Prio Wealth Limited Partnership
Shelton Capital Management
Wedge Capital Management L L P/nc
Hohimer Wealth Management, Llc
King Luther Capital Management Corp
RBCGX - Reynolds Blue Chip Growth Fund
Kowal Investment Group, LLC
Huber Capital Management LLC
Advanced Research Investment Solutions, Llc
Fore Capital, LLC
CenterBook Partners LP
Pacitti Group Inc.
Aquire Wealth Advisors, LLC
Cahill Financial Advisors Inc
Barnett & Company, Inc.
Lumina Fund Management LLC
Ade, Llc
Old North State Trust, LLC
Pinnacle Holdings, LLC
MD Financial Management Inc.
Visionary Wealth Advisors
Financial Advisory Service, Inc.
Masso Torrence Wealth Management Inc.
Edge Wealth Management LLC
Fiduciary Trust Co
Cornerstone Advisory, LLC
Fosun International Ltd
Trexquant Investment LP
First Quadrant L P/ca
Norges Bank
Wilbanks Smith & Thomas Asset Management Llc
MUFG Securities EMEA plc
Massachusetts Financial Services Co /ma/
Richwood Investment Advisors, LLC
Moisand Fitzgerald Tamayo, LLC
Lombard Odier Asset Management (Switzerland) SA
Ironwood Financial, llc
Argent Trust Co
TD Capital Management LLC
Meyer Handelman Co
MPISX - BNY Mellon Income Stock Fund Class M Shares
Liberty Wealth Management Llc
Sterling Financial Planning, Inc.
Paulson & Co. Inc.
QLC - FlexShares US Quality Large Cap Index Fund
CoreCap Advisors, LLC
Missouri Trust & Investment Co
Phoenix Wealth Advisors
EP Wealth Advisors, Inc.
Stonehage Fleming Financial Services Holdings Ltd
Hancock Whitney Corp
Comerica Securities,inc.
Credit Capital Investments LLC
Greenline Partners, LLC
Aries Wealth Management
ProVise Management Group, LLC
VALUX - Al Frank Fund Investor Class
AMP Capital Investors Ltd
Squarepoint Ops LLC
SummerHaven Investment Management, LLC
Nuveen S&p 500 Dynamic Overwrite Fund
Atlas Private Wealth Advisors
Sunbelt Securities, Inc.
Bridgefront Capital, LLC
Blackhawk Capital Partners LLC.
Optiver Holding B.V.
First Washington CORP
Rehmann Capital Advisory Group
Sentry Investment Management Llc
Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Co
Atria Investments Llc
Rinkey Investments
Enterprise Financial Services Corp
Bray Capital Advisors
Rock Creek Group, LP
Lido Advisors, LLC
Cassady Schiller Wealth Management, LLC
Cypress Point Wealth Management, LLC
Boenning & Scattergood, Inc.
Maverick Capital Ltd
Gallagher Fiduciary Advisors, LLC
Tectonic Advisors Llc
Guidance Point Advisors, LLC
Capitolis Advisors LLC
Firestone Capital Management
Y-Intercept (Hong Kong) Ltd
Tobias Financial Advisors, Inc.
Wealthsource Partners, Llc
Point72 Hong Kong Ltd
IMWAX - Ivy ProShares MSCI ACWI Index Fund Class A
Ethic Inc.
Rather & Kittrell, Inc.
PointState Capital LP
Truvestments Capital Llc
Outfitter Financial LLC
Lazard Asset Management Llc
Clearbridge Investments, LLC
Segall Bryant & Hamill, Llc
WestEnd Advisors, LLC
IronBridge Private Wealth, LLC
Bayesian Capital Management, LP
Worldquant Millennium Advisors Llc
PALCX - AllianzGI Global Allocation Fund Class C
MainStreet Investment Advisors LLC
Consolidated Planning Corp
Slate Path Capital LP
Waycross Partners, Llc
Spirit Of America Management Corp/ny
International Assets Investment Management, Llc
Capula Management Ltd
Elmwood Wealth Management, Inc.
Parsons Capital Management Inc/ri
BEARX - Federated Prudent Bear Fund Class A Shares
Asahi Life Asset Management Co., Ltd.
Echo Street Capital Management LLC
Gerber Kawasaki Wealth & Investment Management
Ntv Asset Management Llc
Coldstream Capital Management Inc
Bonness Enterprises Inc
CMT Capital Markets Trading GmbH
Ellevest, Inc.
Comprehensive Financial Consultants Institutional, Inc.
Vestmark Advisory Solutions, Inc.
Cornercap Investment Counsel Inc
CMT Capital Markets Trading GmbH
Regency Capital Management Inc.\DE
EMC Capital Management
qPULA Trading Management LP
James Reed Financial Services, Inc.
GLBLX - Leuthold Global Fund (Retail)
Wesleyan Assurance Society
Savior LLC
Banco Santander, S.A.
Tempus Wealth Planning, LLC
Paradigm Financial Partners, Llc
Clear Perspectives Financial Planning, LLC
Henrickson Nauta Wealth Advisors, Inc.
Caption Management, LLC
QRPNX - AQR Alternative Risk Premia Fund Class N
RGT Wealth Advisors, LLC
LMR Partners LLP
James Investment Research Inc
Sheaff Brock Investment Advisors, LLC
Gagnon Securities Llc
Barrett Asset Management, LLC
Confluence Wealth Services, Inc.
Amerivest Investment Management LLC
Quantbot Technologies LP
Ibex Wealth Advisors
Amplius Wealth Advisors, LLC
Cheviot Value Management, LLC
Mandatum Life Insurance Co Ltd
Fsb Premier Wealth Management, Inc.
Linscomb & Williams, Inc.
TAP Consulting, LLC
Qube Research & Technologies Ltd
GFSYX - Strategic Alternatives Fund Institutional
Stockman Wealth Management, Inc.
Perceptive Advisors Llc
J.P. Marvel Investment Advisors, LLC
Masters Capital Management Llc
St. James Investment Company, LLC
Aigen Investment Management, Lp
Quilter Plc
Shore Point Advisors, LLC
Masters Capital Management Llc
Wagner Wealth Management, Llc
NuWave Investment Management, LLC
Meridian Investment Counsel Inc.
Caption Management, LLC
Paragon Capital Management Ltd
Summit Wealth & Retirement Planning, Inc.
Signet Financial Management, Llc
Norman Fields, Gottscho Capital Management, LLC
Cincinnati Casualty Co
Baldrige Asset Management LLC
Cincinnati Financial Corp
Integrated Advisors Network LLC
Two Sigma Investments, Lp
Intact Investment Management Inc.
Barry Investment Advisors, LLC
Cincinnati Insurance Co
Cowen And Company, Llc
Hrt Financial Lp
Gofen & Glossberg Llc /il/
Agf Investments Inc.
Meridian Wealth Partners, LLC
NWAPX - Nationwide Mellon Disciplined Value Fund Eagle Class
Redwood Capital Management, Llc
Tower View Investment Management & Research LLC
Two Sigma Investments, Lp
Ford Financial Group, LLC
Wall Street Access Asset Management, LLC
Retirement Planning Co of New England, Inc.
Walled Lake Planning & Wealth Management, Llc
JAVAX - James Aggressive Allocation Fund
Two Sigma Investments, Lp
SEMCX - Simt Mid Cap Fund Class F
Delta Asset Management Llc/tn
Kemnay Advisory Services Inc.
American National Insurance Co /tx/
Arete Wealth Advisors, LLC
Schnieders Capital Management Llc
Elm Ridge Management, LLC
Standard Family Office LLC
Beacon Financial Group
Occudo Quantitative Strategies Lp
DB Wealth Management Group, LLC
Cowen And Company, Llc
Ar Asset Management Inc
Sowell Financial Services LLC
Foster & Motley Inc
Robbins Farley Llc
Coastal Bridge Advisors, LLC
Better Money Decisions, LLC
Samlyn Capital, Llc
Wealthspire Advisors, LLC
Skba Capital Management Llc
Walleye Capital LLC
Allegheny Financial Group LTD
Solstein Capital, LLC
Cowen And Company, Llc
Tempus Wealth Planning, LLC
Crake Asset Management LLP
GDMYX - Defensive Market Strategies Fund Institutional
Fox Run Management, L.l.c.
Iridian Asset Management Llc/ct
BNY MELLON VARIABLE INVESTMENT FUND - Growth and Income Portfolio - Initial Shares
Name Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS
VGHCX - Vanguard Health Care Fund Investor Shares 55,233,099 10.33 55,233,099 14.97
NYVTX - Davis New York Venture Fund Class A 19,664,700 10.33 15,914,700 14.97
RSP - Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight ETF 6,480,842 10.33 5,179,956 14.97
Allspring Global Investments Holdings, LLC 5,543,963 10.47 1,299,489 10.88
Dfa Investment Trust Co - The U.s. Large Cap Value Series 3,416,293 10.33 3,416,293 14.97
VLUE - iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor ETF 3,025,482 10.33 3,279,113 14.97
FSMDX - Fidelity Mid Cap Index Fund 2,965,978 10.33 2,743,456 14.97
RPV - Invesco S&P 500 Pure Value ETF 2,815,579 10.33 2,354,874 14.97
DGFAX - Davis Global Fund Class A 2,794,450 10.33 2,264,350 14.97
FXH - First Trust Health Care AlphaDEX Fund 2,730,456 10.33 1,858,118 14.97
SWPPX - Schwab S&P 500 Index Fund 2,183,095 10.33 2,142,211 14.97
FMCSX - Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund 1,508,124 10.33 1,512,933 14.97
RYH - Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Health Care ETF 1,410,657 10.33 1,186,911 14.97
MCVAX - Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities A 1,145,200 10.33 1,205,800 14.97
DFQTX - U.s. Core Equity 2 Portfolio - Institutional Class 1,114,599 10.33 1,114,599 14.97
DUSA - Davis Select U.S. Equity ETF 999,835 10.33 798,439 14.97
DFEOX - U.s. Core Equity 1 Portfolio - Institutional Class 977,307 10.33 977,307 14.97
TIEIX - TIAA-CREF Equity Index Fund Institutional Class 968,023 10.33 901,627 14.97
RSEAX - U.S. Strategic Equity Fund Class A 934,225 10.33 978,283 14.97
FTA - First Trust Large Cap Value AlphaDEX Fund 823,690 10.33 642,575 14.97
Name Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS
SCHM - Schwab U.S. Mid-Cap ETF 2,935,745 12.27 2,886,186 11.01
SCHX - Schwab U.S. Large-Cap ETF 945,502 12.27 978,849 11.01
QQQJ - Invesco NASDAQ Next Gen 100 ETF 811,264 12.27 808,142 11.01
FNDX - Schwab Fundamental U.S. Large Company Index ETF 656,189 12.27 556,261 11.01
SCHB - Schwab U.S. Broad Market ETF 610,904 12.27 607,619 11.01
SCHV - Schwab U.S. Large-Cap Value ETF 565,486 12.27 556,937 11.01
CZMVX - Multi-Manager Value Strategies Fund Institutional Class 203,802 12.27 203,802 11.01
RWL - Invesco S&P 500 Revenue ETF 179,429 12.27 119,641 11.01
NEIAX - Columbia Large Cap Index Fund Class A 114,818 12.27 112,007 11.01
THPGX - Thompson LargeCap Fund 84,267 12.27 67,967 11.01
PBUS - Invesco PureBeta MSCI USA ETF 76,089 12.28 74,015 11.01
THPMX - Thompson MidCap Fund 74,590 12.27 49,590 11.01
SCHK - Schwab 1000 Index ETF 66,784 12.26 64,488 11.01
Fruth Investment Management 43,220 10.97 43,200 10.88
ARDGX - Archer Dividend Growth Fund 35,300 12.27 30,645 11.00
Wealthfront Advisers Llc 32,389 10.47 0
IMCVX - Voya Multi-Manager Mid Cap Value Fund Class I 31,200 12.28 31,200 11.03
IBBQ - Invesco Nasdaq Biotechnology ETF 30,418 12.26 33,305 11.02
GGMBX - Goldman Sachs Global Managed Beta Fund Institutional Shares 28,638 12.26 27,641 11.00
FNDB - Schwab Fundamental U.S. Broad Market Index ETF 24,991 12.28 22,220 11.03
Name Shares Added Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS Percent Increase
Allspring Global Investments Holdings, LLC 4,244,474 5,543,963 10.47 1,299,489 10.88 326.63
NYVTX - Davis New York Venture Fund Class A 3,750,000 19,664,700 10.33 15,914,700 14.97 23.56
RSP - Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight ETF 1,300,886 6,480,842 10.33 5,179,956 14.97 25.11
FXH - First Trust Health Care AlphaDEX Fund 872,338 2,730,456 10.33 1,858,118 14.97 46.95
DGFAX - Davis Global Fund Class A 530,100 2,794,450 10.33 2,264,350 14.97 23.41
RPV - Invesco S&P 500 Pure Value ETF 460,705 2,815,579 10.33 2,354,874 14.97 19.56
LSVEX - LSV VALUE EQUITY FUND Institutional Class Shares 399,056 517,700 10.33 118,644 14.97 336.35
RYH - Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Health Care ETF 223,746 1,410,657 10.33 1,186,911 14.97 18.85
FSMDX - Fidelity Mid Cap Index Fund 222,522 2,965,978 10.33 2,743,456 14.97 8.11
DUSA - Davis Select U.S. Equity ETF 201,396 999,835 10.33 798,439 14.97 25.22
PRF - Invesco FTSE RAFI US 1000 ETF 188,744 554,132 10.33 365,388 14.97 51.66
FTA - First Trust Large Cap Value AlphaDEX Fund 181,115 823,690 10.33 642,575 14.97 28.19
JHMM - John Hancock Multifactor Mid Cap ETF 167,893 388,705 10.33 220,812 14.97 76.03
DWLD - Davis Select Worldwide ETF 120,074 793,652 10.33 673,578 14.97 17.83
DFAT - Dimensional U.S. Targeted Value ETF 114,470 176,875 10.33 62,405 14.97 183.43
FNDX - Schwab Fundamental U.S. Large Company Index ETF 99,928 656,189 12.27 556,261 11.01 17.96
SPRAX - Pgim Qma Mid-cap Value Fund Class A 80,900 190,889 10.33 109,989 14.97 73.55
TIEIX - TIAA-CREF Equity Index Fund Institutional Class 66,396 968,023 10.33 901,627 14.97 7.36
PASIX - PACE Alternative Strategies Investments Class A 65,592 174,058 10.33 108,466 14.97 60.47
RWL - Invesco S&P 500 Revenue ETF 59,788 179,429 12.27 119,641 11.01 49.97
Name Reduced Shares Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS Percent Decrease
Thompson Siegel & Walmsley Llc 3,683,952 6,487 10.48 3,690,439 10.88 -99.82
RETSX - Tax-Managed U.S. Large Cap Fund Class S 420,903 25,321 10.35 446,224 14.97 -94.33
VLUE - iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor ETF 253,631 3,025,482 10.33 3,279,113 14.97 -7.73
BLACKROCK MID CAP DIVIDEND SERIES, INC. - BlackRock Mid Cap Dividend Fund Investor A 214,144 241,422 10.33 455,566 14.97 -47.01
DFAC - Dimensional U.S. Core Equity 2 ETF 188,774 202,268 10.33 391,042 14.97 -48.27
State of Alaska, Department of Revenue 120,724 457,063 10.47 577,787 10.88 -20.89
DFMVX - Tax-managed U.s. Marketwide Value Portfolio Ii 110,690 462,895 10.33 573,585 14.97 -19.30
Strs Ohio 106,303 107,106 10.47 213,409 10.88 -49.81
FSWCX - Fidelity SAI U.S. Value Index Fund 93,116 631,216 10.33 724,332 14.97 -12.86
WWIDX - Wells Fargo Large Company Value Fund Administrator Class 85,813 35,472 10.32 121,285 13.35 -70.75
TOK - iShares MSCI Kokusai ETF 84,523 4,151 10.36 88,674 14.96 -95.32
FLCPX - Fidelity SAI U.S. Large Cap Index Fund 77,544 400,592 10.33 478,136 14.97 -16.22
MCVAX - Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities A 60,600 1,145,200 10.33 1,205,800 14.97 -5.03
TISPX - TIAA-CREF S&P 500 Index Fund Institutional Class 56,561 222,047 10.33 278,608 14.97 -20.30
Truist Financial Corp 45,882 271,879 10.47 317,761 10.88 -14.44
DFUS - Dimensional U.S. Equity ETF 45,467 107,988 10.33 153,455 14.97 -29.63
RSEAX - U.S. Strategic Equity Fund Class A 44,058 934,225 10.33 978,283 14.97 -4.50
Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund 38,900 439,785 10.47 478,685 10.88 -8.13
GAOAX - JPMorgan Global Allocation Fund Class A 35,196 48,352 10.32 83,548 14.97 -42.13
SCHX - Schwab U.S. Large-Cap ETF 33,347 945,502 12.27 978,849 11.01 -3.41
Name Current Puts
Name Current Calls
Name Previous Puts
Caption Management, LLC 0
Name Previous Calls
XR Securities LLC 15,900
Two Sigma Investments, Lp 0
Tempus Wealth Planning, LLC 0
Masters Capital Management Llc 0


Name Increased Puts Current Puts Previous Puts Percentage Increase
Name Increased Calls Current Calls Previous Calls Percentage Increase
Name Reduced Puts Current Puts Previous Puts Percent Decrease
Name Reduced Calls Current Calls Previous Calls Percentage Decrease

Past Week Analysis

Name Shares PPS
NMIAX - Columbia Large Cap Enhanced Core Fund Class A 242,249 12.27
Walker Asset Management, LLC 84,945 10.96
DGEFX - Destinations Equity Income Fund Class I 68,800 12.27
BLACKROCK LARGE CAP SERIES FUNDS, INC. - BlackRock Advantage Large Cap Value Fund Investor A 63,552 12.27
Howland Capital Management Llc 48,538 10.47
LMUSX - QS U.S. Large Cap Equity Fund Class FI 30,000 12.27
PMSAX - Global Multi-Strategy Fund Class A 25,617 12.26
SBB Research Group LLC 21,395 10.47
Euclidean Technologies Management, LLC 15,666 10.47
WoodTrust Financial Corp 11,519 10.50
Urban Wealth Management, LLC 759 10.54
Steward Financial Group LLC 249 8.03
Orion Capital Management LLC 124 8.06
Darrow Company, Inc. 26
Name Shares PPS
Wbi Investments, Inc. 82,196 10.88
Byrne Asset Management LLC 300 10.00
IBM Retirement Fund 19,149 10.86
Gemmer Asset Management LLC 2,017 10.41
Legacy Bridge, LLC 710 11.27
Pathway Financial Advisors LLC 38,657 10.89
Mcdonald Partners Llc 13,072 10.86
Name Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS
Allspring Global Investments Holdings, LLC 5,543,963 10.47 1,299,489 10.88
Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund 439,785 10.47 478,685 10.88
American Assets Investment Management, LLC 150,000 10.47 150,000 10.88
Waterfront Wealth Inc. 132,097 10.47 127,290 10.84
Hartford Investment Management Co 116,022 10.47 114,093 10.88
Strs Ohio 107,106 10.47 213,409 10.88
Chiron Capital Management, Llc 102,093 10.47 89,738 10.88
Pendal Group Ltd 79,721 10.47 37,319 10.88
Louisiana State Employees Retirement System 76,800 10.07 76,300 10.84
New Mexico Educational Retirement Board 67,045 10.47 70,345 10.87
Stratos Wealth Partners, LTD. 49,147 10.48 49,653 10.88
Wedbush Securities Inc 45,853 10.47 45,860 10.88
Monarch Capital Management Inc/ 45,332 10.48 45,849 10.88
Coerente Capital Management 40,212 10.47 44,417 10.87
Sumitomo Life Insurance Co 36,332 10.46 35,128 10.87
Alpha Omega Wealth Management LLC 36,276 10.48 29,850 10.89
Regions Financial Corp 31,866 10.45 39,702 10.88
Truist Financial Corp 28,000 10.46 317,761 10.88
Spire Wealth Management 24,037 10.48 19,889 10.86
Trilogy Capital Inc. 17,126 10.45 10,978 10.84
Campion Asset Management LLC 17,061 10.49 11,738 10.90
Conning Inc. 15,767 10.46 15,808 10.88
Geneos Wealth Management Inc. 15,525 10.69 15,663 10.85
Lee Danner & Bass Inc 15,232 10.44 15,432 10.89
Argyle Capital Management Inc. 15,093 10.47 16,122 10.85
Pettee Investors, Inc. 15,073 10.48 15,332 10.89
Savant Capital, LLC 14,602 10.48 13,244 10.87
Beacon Investment Advisory Services, Inc. 13,175 10.47 11,793 10.85
Excalibur Management Corp 12,996 10.46 15,773 10.90
Oak Harbor Wealth Partners, Llc 11,582 10.45 12,372 10.91
SOL Capital Management CO 11,343 10.49 24,843 10.87
Welch & Forbes Llc 10,802 10.46 10,966 10.94
Chicago Capital, LLC 10,572 10.50 10,604 10.84
Endurance Wealth Management, Inc. 9,507 10.41 10,086 10.91
Investors Research Corp 8,586 10.48 8,710 10.91
Umb Bank N A/mo 8,023 10.47 15,350 10.88
WASHINGTON TRUST Co 6,552 10.38 8,761 10.96
Thompson Siegel & Walmsley Llc 6,487 10.48 3,690,439 10.88
Vaughan Nelson Investment Management, L.p. 4,373 10.52 4,373 10.98
HBC Financial Services, PLLC 4,185 125400.00 2,424 155299.92
Bogart Wealth, LLC 2,607 10.36 616 11.36
Costello Asset Management, INC 2,605 10.36 2,605 10.75
Hexagon Capital Partners LLC 1,669 10.19 1,678 10.73
Washington Trust Advisors, Inc. 1,227 10.59 1,379 10.88
Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd, Zurich 1,216 10.69 1,348 11.13
JNBA Financial Advisors 1,203 10.81 1,200 10.83
Arrow Financial Corp 1,110 9.91 1,086 11.05
Founders Capital Management 1,000 10.00 1,000 14.00
Sandy Spring Bank 757 10.57 682 11.73
PrairieView Partners, LLC 598 10.03 574 10.45
First Command Financial Services, Inc. 577 10.40 932 11.80
First Command Bank 577 10.40 932 11.80
Charter Oak Capital Management, LLC 571 10.51 674 13.35
Atwood & Palmer Inc 379 10.55 1,040 10.58
Morton Brown Family Wealth, LLC 376 10.64 279 10.75
Hartford Financial Management Inc. 297 10.10 6,274 10.84
Annapolis Financial Services, LLC 296 10.14 281 10.68
Pacifica Partners Inc. 178 11.24 176 11.36
Tradewinds Capital Management, LLC 136 7.35 529 11.34
Proffitt & Goodson Inc 9 250 12.00
Name Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS
SCHM - Schwab U.S. Mid-Cap ETF 2,935,745 12.27 2,886,186 11.01
SCHX - Schwab U.S. Large-Cap ETF 945,502 12.27 978,849 11.01
QQQJ - Invesco NASDAQ Next Gen 100 ETF 811,264 12.27 808,142 11.01
FNDX - Schwab Fundamental U.S. Large Company Index ETF 656,189 12.27 556,261 11.01
SCHB - Schwab U.S. Broad Market ETF 610,904 12.27 607,619 11.01
SCHV - Schwab U.S. Large-Cap Value ETF 565,486 12.27 556,937 11.01
CZMVX - Multi-Manager Value Strategies Fund Institutional Class 203,802 12.27 203,802 11.01
RWL - Invesco S&P 500 Revenue ETF 179,429 12.27 119,641 11.01
NEIAX - Columbia Large Cap Index Fund Class A 114,818 12.27 112,007 11.01
THPGX - Thompson LargeCap Fund 84,267 12.27 67,967 11.01
PBUS - Invesco PureBeta MSCI USA ETF 76,089 12.28 74,015 11.01
THPMX - Thompson MidCap Fund 74,590 12.27 49,590 11.01
SCHK - Schwab 1000 Index ETF 66,784 12.26 64,488 11.01
Wealthfront Advisers Llc 32,389 10.47 0
IMCVX - Voya Multi-Manager Mid Cap Value Fund Class I 31,200 12.28 31,200 11.03
IBBQ - Invesco Nasdaq Biotechnology ETF 30,418 12.26 33,305 11.02
GGMBX - Goldman Sachs Global Managed Beta Fund Institutional Shares 28,638 12.26 27,641 11.00
FNDB - Schwab Fundamental U.S. Broad Market Index ETF 24,991 12.28 22,220 11.03
BLACKROCK LARGE CAP SERIES FUNDS, INC. - BlackRock Event Driven Equity Fund Investor A 12,498 12.24 11,476 10.98
Delaware Enhanced Global Dividend & Income Fund 11,886 12.28 11,886 11.02
DLCFX - Destinations Large Cap Equity Fund Class I 8,735 12.25 9,348 11.02
IUS - Invesco RAFI(TM) Strategic US ETF 7,996 12.26 12,683 11.04
SPFIX - S&P 500 Index Fund Direct Shares 4,634 12.30 4,634 11.01
SUPAX - DWS Multi-Asset Growth Allocation Fund Class A 3,590 12.26 3,738 10.97
Exchange Traded Concepts, Llc 1,309 10.70 0
CABNX - AB GLOBAL RISK ALLOCATION FUND, INC. Class A 1,277 12.53 1,277 10.96
Invesco Exchange-Traded Fund Trust II - Invesco ESG NASDAQ Next Gen 100 ETF 1,092 11.90 1,045 11.48
ATWAX - AB Tax-Managed Wealth Appreciation Strategy Class A 779 12.84 779 11.55
Coastal Capital Group, Inc. 568 10.56 665 10.53
Toth Financial Advisory Corp 100 10.00 124 8.06
Macroview Investment Management Llc 69 14.49 292 10.27
Name Shares Added Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS Percent Increase
Allspring Global Investments Holdings, LLC 4,244,474 5,543,963 10.47 1,299,489 10.88 326.63
FNDX - Schwab Fundamental U.S. Large Company Index ETF 99,928 656,189 12.27 556,261 11.01 17.96
RWL - Invesco S&P 500 Revenue ETF 59,788 179,429 12.27 119,641 11.01 49.97
SCHM - Schwab U.S. Mid-Cap ETF 49,559 2,935,745 12.27 2,886,186 11.01 1.72
Pendal Group Ltd 42,402 79,721 10.47 37,319 10.88 113.62
Wealthfront Advisers Llc 32,389 32,389 10.47 0 0.00
THPMX - Thompson MidCap Fund 25,000 74,590 12.27 49,590 11.01 50.41
THPGX - Thompson LargeCap Fund 16,300 84,267 12.27 67,967 11.01 23.98
Chiron Capital Management, Llc 12,355 102,093 10.47 89,738 10.88 13.77
SCHV - Schwab U.S. Large-Cap Value ETF 8,549 565,486 12.27 556,937 11.01 1.54
Alpha Omega Wealth Management LLC 6,426 36,276 10.48 29,850 10.89 21.53
Trilogy Capital Inc. 6,148 17,126 10.45 10,978 10.84 56.00
Campion Asset Management LLC 5,323 17,061 10.49 11,738 10.90 45.35
Waterfront Wealth Inc. 4,807 132,097 10.47 127,290 10.84 3.78
Spire Wealth Management 4,148 24,037 10.48 19,889 10.86 20.86
SCHB - Schwab U.S. Broad Market ETF 3,285 610,904 12.27 607,619 11.01 0.54
QQQJ - Invesco NASDAQ Next Gen 100 ETF 3,122 811,264 12.27 808,142 11.01 0.39
NEIAX - Columbia Large Cap Index Fund Class A 2,811 114,818 12.27 112,007 11.01 2.51
FNDB - Schwab Fundamental U.S. Broad Market Index ETF 2,771 24,991 12.28 22,220 11.03 12.47
SCHK - Schwab 1000 Index ETF 2,296 66,784 12.26 64,488 11.01 3.56
PBUS - Invesco PureBeta MSCI USA ETF 2,074 76,089 12.28 74,015 11.01 2.80
Bogart Wealth, LLC 1,991 2,607 10.36 616 11.36 323.21
Hartford Investment Management Co 1,929 116,022 10.47 114,093 10.88 1.69
HBC Financial Services, PLLC 1,761 4,185 125400.00 2,424 155299.92 72.65
Beacon Investment Advisory Services, Inc. 1,382 13,175 10.47 11,793 10.85 11.72
Savant Capital, LLC 1,358 14,602 10.48 13,244 10.87 10.25
Exchange Traded Concepts, Llc 1,309 1,309 10.70 0 0.00
Sumitomo Life Insurance Co 1,204 36,332 10.46 35,128 10.87 3.43
BLACKROCK LARGE CAP SERIES FUNDS, INC. - BlackRock Event Driven Equity Fund Investor A 1,022 12,498 12.24 11,476 10.98 8.91
GGMBX - Goldman Sachs Global Managed Beta Fund Institutional Shares 997 28,638 12.26 27,641 11.00 3.61
Louisiana State Employees Retirement System 500 76,800 10.07 76,300 10.84 0.66
Morton Brown Family Wealth, LLC 97 376 10.64 279 10.75 34.77
Sandy Spring Bank 75 757 10.57 682 11.73 11.00
Private Ocean, LLC 50 73 23 217.39
Invesco Exchange-Traded Fund Trust II - Invesco ESG NASDAQ Next Gen 100 ETF 47 1,092 11.90 1,045 11.48 4.50
PrairieView Partners, LLC 24 598 10.03 574 10.45 4.18
Arrow Financial Corp 24 1,110 9.91 1,086 11.05 2.21
Annapolis Financial Services, LLC 15 296 10.14 281 10.68 5.34
JNBA Financial Advisors 3 1,203 10.81 1,200 10.83 0.25
Pacifica Partners Inc. 2 178 11.24 176 11.36 1.14
Name Reduced Shares Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS Percent Decrease
Thompson Siegel & Walmsley Llc 3,683,952 6,487 10.48 3,690,439 10.88 -99.82
Strs Ohio 106,303 107,106 10.47 213,409 10.88 -49.81
Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund 38,900 439,785 10.47 478,685 10.88 -8.13
SCHX - Schwab U.S. Large-Cap ETF 33,347 945,502 12.27 978,849 11.01 -3.41
SOL Capital Management CO 13,500 11,343 10.49 24,843 10.87 -54.34
Regions Financial Corp 7,836 31,866 10.45 39,702 10.88 -19.74
Umb Bank N A/mo 7,327 8,023 10.47 15,350 10.88 -47.73
Hartford Financial Management Inc. 5,977 297 10.10 6,274 10.84 -95.27
IUS - Invesco RAFI(TM) Strategic US ETF 4,687 7,996 12.26 12,683 11.04 -36.95
Coerente Capital Management 4,205 40,212 10.47 44,417 10.87 -9.47
New Mexico Educational Retirement Board 3,300 67,045 10.47 70,345 10.87 -4.69
IBBQ - Invesco Nasdaq Biotechnology ETF 2,887 30,418 12.26 33,305 11.02 -8.67
Excalibur Management Corp 2,777 12,996 10.46 15,773 10.90 -17.61
WASHINGTON TRUST Co 2,209 6,552 10.38 8,761 10.96 -25.21
Argyle Capital Management Inc. 1,029 15,093 10.47 16,122 10.85 -6.38
Oak Harbor Wealth Partners, Llc 790 11,582 10.45 12,372 10.91 -6.39
Atwood & Palmer Inc 661 379 10.55 1,040 10.58 -63.56
DLCFX - Destinations Large Cap Equity Fund Class I 613 8,735 12.25 9,348 11.02 -6.56
Endurance Wealth Management, Inc. 579 9,507 10.41 10,086 10.91 -5.74
Monarch Capital Management Inc/ 517 45,332 10.48 45,849 10.88 -1.13
Stratos Wealth Partners, LTD. 506 49,147 10.48 49,653 10.88 -1.02
Tradewinds Capital Management, LLC 393 136 7.35 529 11.34 -74.29
First Command Bank 355 577 10.40 932 11.80 -38.09
First Command Financial Services, Inc. 355 577 10.40 932 11.80 -38.09
Pettee Investors, Inc. 259 15,073 10.48 15,332 10.89 -1.69
Proffitt & Goodson Inc 241 9 250 12.00 -96.40
Macroview Investment Management Llc 223 69 14.49 292 10.27 -76.37
Lee Danner & Bass Inc 200 15,232 10.44 15,432 10.89 -1.30
Welch & Forbes Llc 164 10,802 10.46 10,966 10.94 -1.50
Washington Trust Advisors, Inc. 152 1,227 10.59 1,379 10.88 -11.02
SUPAX - DWS Multi-Asset Growth Allocation Fund Class A 148 3,590 12.26 3,738 10.97 -3.96
Geneos Wealth Management Inc. 138 15,525 10.69 15,663 10.85 -0.88
Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd, Zurich 132 1,216 10.69 1,348 11.13 -9.79
Investors Research Corp 124 8,586 10.48 8,710 10.91 -1.42
Charter Oak Capital Management, LLC 103 571 10.51 674 13.35 -15.28
Coastal Capital Group, Inc. 97 568 10.56 665 10.53 -14.59
Conning Inc. 41 15,767 10.46 15,808 10.88 -0.26
Chicago Capital, LLC 32 10,572 10.50 10,604 10.84 -0.30
Toth Financial Advisory Corp 24 100 10.00 124 8.06 -19.35
Bradley & Co. Private Wealth Management, LLC 20 19 39 -51.28
First Bank & Trust 15 30 45 -33.33
Hexagon Capital Partners LLC 9 1,669 10.19 1,678 10.73 -0.54
Wedbush Securities Inc 7 45,853 10.47 45,860 10.88 -0.02
Name Current Puts
Name Current Calls
Name Previous Puts
Name Previous Calls
Name Increased Puts Current Puts Previous Puts Percentage Increase
Name Increased Calls Current Calls Previous Calls Percentage Increase
Name Reduced Puts Current Puts Previous Puts Percent Decrease
Name Reduced Calls Current Calls Previous Calls Percent Decrease
Truist Financial Corp 289,761 28,000 317,761 -91.19