Insider Ownership Details

This table shows the list known insiders, and is generated automatically from filings disclosed to the SEC. In addition to the names, most recent title, and director, officer, or 10% owner designation, we provide the latest disclosed holdings.

Name Shares Options
Moradi David Through Sero Capital LLC 2,857,589 0
Moradi David Through Sero Capital LLC 2,840,069 0
Bettis Carr CSB IV US Holdings, LLC 492,728 0
Bettis Carr CSB IV US Holdings, LLC 442,324 0
Bettis Carr CSB IV US Holdings LLC 429,175 0
Bettis Carr 427,195 0
Sero Capital LLC 338,335 0
Lehmann Marc 110,476 0
Bradley Sean D. 69,641 0
Georgevich Kelly 55,416 0
Varacalli Dominic Peter 41,921 0
ZYNGIER ALEXANDRE HZ Investments Family LP 26,660 0
Bettis Carr Carr Bettis IRA 0 0
Bettis Carr J. Carr & Stephanie V. Bettis Revocable Trust, Dated 1/1/03 0 0
Thompson Heath 0 0
Bradley Sean D. Banyon Tree LLC 0 0
Sero Capital LLC Through Sero Capital LLC 0 0
Bettis Carr J. Carr & Stephanie V. Bettis Revocable Trust, Dated January 1, 2003 0 0
ZYNGIER ALEXANDRE Equity Trust Custodian, FBO Alexandre Zyngier IRA 0 0
Purcell Ernest William 0 0
Moradi David 0 0
Purcell Ernest William Ernest W. Purcell & Anne M. Purcell JTTENN 0 0
Tahir Jamil A. Through TurnMark Partners LP 0 0
Barot Sachin 0 0
Tahir Jamil A. 0 0
Bankofier Todd 0 0
0 0
Sternberg Lonny 0 0

While Insider sales are normal part of tax harvesting and is part of compensation of executives - A large number of transactions would indicate that the management isnt convinced that the price will go up and hence reducing their holding. This would be a possible indicator or fall in price

Recent Insider Sales

Name Shares Price Date

Recent Insider Purchases

Insider buys arent usual, since it indicates a high conviction by the management that they believe the price will go up eventually. Usually a good sign that investors should consider this as a factor to purchase a stock, especially if the current SP is lower than the price the management bought these at. The table below doesnt include any Stock Options or RSUs. They're just open market purchases by the insiders.

Name Shares Price Date