Institutional Ownership Stats

Institutional Ownership is one very important way to analyze how a stock will perform in the future. Here's a good article weighing the pros and cons of institutional ownership.

The table below is a summary of the mean, median and true PPS (Price Per Share) the institutions have paid in the current and last quarter. Most institutes hedge their bets both ways to protect the investment. The do so by buying puts and calls for a stock as well, apart from stock ownership.

Quarter Institute Count Mean PPS Median PPS True Value PPS
Current Quarter 215 23.00 3.33 3.52
Previous Quarter 0 0.00 0.00 0.00

Institutional Ownership Counts

The table below is summary data with links to individual listing tables below to indicate if new institutes bought in, sold out, averaged down, averaged up etc. This is a critical piece of data to analyze what the money flow is in quarter and past week.

Time New Institutions Out Averaged Down Averaged Up Added Shares Reduced Shares
Current Quarter 201 15 0 0 0 0
Time New Puts New Calls New Short Deleted Puts Deleted Calls Deleted Short
Current Quarter 0 3 3 0 0 0
Time Increased Puts Increased Calls Increased Short Reduced Puts Reduced Calls Reduced Short
Current Quarter 0 0 0 0 0 0
Time New Institutions Out Averaged Down Averaged Up Added Shares Reduced Shares
Past Week 47 2 0 0 0 0
Time New Puts New Calls New Short Deleted Puts Deleted Calls Deleted Short
Past Week 0 0 1 0 0 0
Time Increased Puts Increased Calls Increased Short Reduced Puts Reduced Calls Reduced Short
Past Week 0 0 0 0 0 0

BlackRock and Vanguard Ownership Stats

BlackRock and Vanguard are the two largest institutional investors in the world. The table below is an indicator of how much of the company stock they own.

BlackRock Vanguard
Quarter Shares % Ownership PPS Shares % Ownership PPS
Current Quarter 3,617,602 0.00 0.00 5,582,894 0.00 0.00
Previous Quarter 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00

Current Quarter Top 20 Holding Institutes

This is a snapshot of the top 20 institutes by share count holding stock in the company for the current quarter

Name Shares PPS
Phoenix Venture Partners II LP 14,492,813
Fmr Llc 13,927,722 3.32
FMR LLC 10,564,356
McClain Sean 8,785,992
Redmile Group, LLC 8,031,094 3.32
Casdin Capital, LLC 7,718,593 3.32
Valasek Mark 5,535,334
FDGRX - Fidelity Growth Company Fund 4,370,800 3.65
BlackRock Inc. 3,611,256 3.32
Vanguard Group Inc 2,541,288 3.32
VTSMX - Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Investor Shares 1,251,097 3.32
IWM - iShares Russell 2000 ETF 1,221,953 3.32
FGKFX - Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund 1,203,757 3.65
FBIOX - Biotechnology Portfolio 997,900 3.65
FCGSX - Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund 953,492 3.65
State Street Corp 926,190 3.32
Perceptive Advisors Llc 894,346 3.32
FCPGX - Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund 840,055 5.91
Geode Capital Management, Llc 655,959 3.32
ArrowMark Colorado Holdings LLC 649,434 3.32

Previous Quarter Top 20 Holding Institutes

The table below is top 20 listing of institutes holding stock of the company in the previous quarter.

Name Shares PPS


Recent Quarter Analysis

Name Shares PPS
Phoenix Venture Partners II LP 14,492,813
Fmr Llc 13,927,722 3.32
FMR LLC 10,564,356
McClain Sean 8,785,992
Redmile Group, LLC 8,031,094 3.32
Casdin Capital, LLC 7,718,593 3.32
Valasek Mark 5,535,334
FDGRX - Fidelity Growth Company Fund 4,370,800 3.65
BlackRock Inc. 3,611,256 3.32
Vanguard Group Inc 2,541,288 3.32
VTSMX - Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Investor Shares 1,251,097 3.32
IWM - iShares Russell 2000 ETF 1,221,953 3.32
FGKFX - Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund 1,203,757 3.65
FBIOX - Biotechnology Portfolio 997,900 3.65
FCGSX - Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund 953,492 3.65
State Street Corp 926,190 3.32
Perceptive Advisors Llc 894,346 3.32
FCPGX - Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund 840,055 5.91
Geode Capital Management, Llc 655,959 3.32
ArrowMark Colorado Holdings LLC 649,434 3.32
Name Shares PPS
Ergoteles LLC
Coatue Management Llc
D1 Capital Partners L.P.
MSGGX - Meridian Small Cap Growth Fund Legacy Class
M&t Bank Corp
DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale
Putnam Investments Llc
State of Wyoming
Strs Ohio
IWV - iShares Russell 3000 ETF
Advisor Group Holdings, Inc.
Alpine Global Management, LLC
Ameriprise Financial Inc
Laurion Capital Management LP
Paloma Partners Management Co
Name Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS
Name Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS
Name Shares Added Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS Percent Increase
Name Reduced Shares Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS Percent Decrease
Name Current Puts
Name Current Calls
Susquehanna International Group, Llp 167,100
Simplex Trading, Llc 16,800
Proequities, Inc. 0
Blackstone Alternative Investment Funds - Blackstone Alternative Multi-Strategy Fund Class I
REBYX - U.S. Small Cap Equity Fund Class Y
RIFBX - U.S. Small Cap Equity Fund
Name Previous Puts
Name Previous Calls


Name Increased Puts Current Puts Previous Puts Percentage Increase
Name Increased Calls Current Calls Previous Calls Percentage Increase
Name Reduced Puts Current Puts Previous Puts Percent Decrease
Name Reduced Calls Current Calls Previous Calls Percentage Decrease

Past Week Analysis

Name Shares PPS
VTSMX - Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Investor Shares 1,251,097 3.32
IWM - iShares Russell 2000 ETF 1,221,953 3.32
IWN - iShares Russell 2000 Value ETF 529,591 3.32
NAESX - Vanguard Small-Cap Index Fund Investor Shares 523,291 3.32
IBB - iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology ETF 452,869 3.32
VISGX - Vanguard Small-Cap Growth Index Fund Investor Shares 309,338 3.32
VEXMX - Vanguard Extended Market Index Fund Investor Shares 178,102 3.32
IWC - iShares Micro-Cap ETF 110,848 3.32
QUANTITATIVE MASTER SERIES LLC - Master Small Cap Index Series 86,413 3.32
EQ ADVISORS TRUST - EQ/2000 Managed Volatility Portfolio Class IB 73,933 3.31
RSIFX - Victory RS Science and Technology Fund Class A 60,310 3.32
QCSTRX - Stock Account Class R1 46,068 3.32
VBINX - Vanguard Balanced Index Fund Investor Shares 40,420 3.32
FISVX - Fidelity Small Cap Value Index Fund 37,765 3.31
QCEQRX - Equity Index Account Class R1 29,156 3.33
VITNX - Vanguard Institutional Total Stock Market Index Fund Institutional Shares 28,820 3.33
NSIDX - Northern Small Cap Index Fund 27,996 3.32
Brighthouse Funds Trust II - MetLife Russell 2000 Index Portfolio Class A 21,745 3.31
BBVSX - Bridge Builder Small/Mid Cap Value Fund 18,170 3.30
PACIFIC SELECT FUND - Small-Cap Index Portfolio Class I 15,969 3.32
EQ ADVISORS TRUST - ATM Small Cap Managed Volatility Portfolio Class K 15,493 3.29
SSMHX - State Street Small/mid Cap Equity Index Portfolio 12,300 3.33
JESIX - Small Cap Index Trust NAV 12,105 3.30
JOHN HANCOCK VARIABLE INSURANCE TRUST - Strategic Equity Allocation Trust Series NAV 9,949 3.32
EQ ADVISORS TRUST - 1290 VT Micro Cap Portfolio Class IB 9,390 3.30
EQ ADVISORS TRUST - 1290 VT Small Cap Value Portfolio Class IB 7,327 3.28
EQ ADVISORS TRUST - EQ/Small Company Index Portfolio Class IA 7,100 3.38
PACIFIC SELECT FUND - Small-Cap Equity Portfolio Class I 6,509 3.38
BlackRock Variable Series Funds, Inc. - BlackRock Small Cap Index V.I. Fund Class I 6,346 3.31
USMIX - Extended Market Index Fund 6,002 3.33
PACIFIC SELECT FUND - PD Small-Cap Value Index Portfolio Class P 5,681 3.34
EQ ADVISORS TRUST - EQ/Franklin Small Cap Value Managed Volatility Portfolio Class IA 2,664 3.38
SSTIX - State Street Total Return V.I.S. Fund Class 1 Shares 2,557 3.13
TRZIX - T. Rowe Price Small-Cap Index Fund 2,059 3.40
TIAA SEPARATE ACCOUNT VA 1 - Stock Index Account Teachers Personal Annuity Individual Deferred Variable Annuity 1,494 3.35
JETSX - Total Stock Market Index Trust NAV 1,492 3.35
HCCEX - The Small Capitalization - Mid Capitalization Equity Portfolio HC Strategic Shares 979 3.06
TLSTX - Stock Index Fund 926 3.24
RYRRX - Russell 2000 Fund Class A 373 2.68
RYRUX - Russell 2000 2x Strategy Fund A-Class Shares 235 4.26
Profunds - Profund Vp Ultrasmall-cap 191 5.24
Profunds - Profund Vp Small-cap 162 6.17
RYMKX - Russell 2000 1.5x Strategy Fund Class H 113
RYDEX VARIABLE TRUST - Russell 2000(R) 1.5x Strategy Fund Variable Annuity 36
IWV - iShares Russell 3000 ETF 0
MSGGX - Meridian Small Cap Growth Fund Legacy Class 0
Name Shares PPS
IWV - iShares Russell 3000 ETF
MSGGX - Meridian Small Cap Growth Fund Legacy Class
Name Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS
Name Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS
Name Shares Added Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS Percent Increase
Name Reduced Shares Current Shares Current PPS Previous Shares Previous PPS Percent Decrease
Name Current Puts
Name Current Calls
Blackstone Alternative Investment Funds - Blackstone Alternative Multi-Strategy Fund Class I
Name Previous Puts
Name Previous Calls
Name Increased Puts Current Puts Previous Puts Percentage Increase
Name Increased Calls Current Calls Previous Calls Percentage Increase
Name Reduced Puts Current Puts Previous Puts Percent Decrease
Name Reduced Calls Current Calls Previous Calls Percent Decrease